Monthly Archives: March 2023


23 years ago today was also a Saturday.  Maggie made a forced entry into the world because my blood pressure was through the roof. She was quite comfortable where she was, but since she was being evicted, she made a fast and furious entrance. The first thing I noticed was her lips. I was so glad she had lips like Stefan rather than my non-existent ones. She was perfect.

It has been 10 years since she last celebrated her birthday. Thirteen were not enough. When she knew she was going to die, she asked me if she would be alive for her birthday. No 13 year old should even have that thought. It still breaks me when I think about it.

Now, she should be 23. Would she be working and adulting? Would she be in graduate school? Would she be struggling with late effects from treatment?

Share Maggie today. Tell people what cancer stole, because the world would be a better place with her in it. Make someone laugh. Maggie would like that.